Minor Child Travel Consent

Minor Child Travel Consent

child travel consent form can be used for any minor that has permission from their parent or legal guardian for domestic or international travel with an individual, group, or organization. In addition, this is also common when the child is traveling alone. It’s preferred to have the consent form signed by both parents, although one (1) is sufficient.

  • Domestic Travel – A minor that is traveling alone by plane may get questioned by the TSA. Therefore, they must have some identification as well as a letter, although this is not required as children are allowed to fly alone.
  • International Travel – A minor that is traveling alone, with a non-parent/guardian, or with one (1) parent may have to present a parental consent form to leave the country and to be accepted by immigration authorities in the visiting country. Recommended having the consent be notarized by attaching the notary acknowledgment form.

When to Use

minor child travel consent form is recommended for use by domestic or international travel for:

  • Child traveling alone
  • Single parent
  • Relative or friend
  • Organization or group


Definition – (Section 59-102) – Wills fall under the “Valid settlement agreement” definition, which refers to a written and acknowledged instrument that affects the administration or distribution of the estate and which is entered into by all interested heirs, devisees, legatees and persons whose interests are affected by the settlement agreement, all of whom must be competent or authorized to enter into such agreement.

Signing Requirements (Section 59-606) – Shall be signed by Two (2) or more competent Witnesses.

Statutes – Chapter 59 (Probate Code)

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